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Are you ready to let go of the overthinking, the overwhelm, and the perfectionism holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself as a leader?
This is for you if you’re feeling like:
❌I know I am meant for more!
❌You feel overwhelmed by the pressure you put on yourself.
❌You lack consistent confidence and belief in yourself to take the steps you have been thinking about for years.
❌You love helping people, but you fail to articulate what you truly want for yourself.
❌You have trouble organizing all your great thoughts and ideas to make an effective plan to level up.
❌Everything you do has to be perfect or else you think people will say that you don’t belong in your position. You sometimes feel like a fraud.
❌You are finally ready to invest in yourself!
In this course you'll have access to 5 modules along with 13 lessons, resources and workbooks that will have you taking action steps to level up your Career, Business and Life!!!
After completing the content you'll:
✔️ Identify and shift any Insecurities and fear that are currently getting in the way of your success as a leader.
✔️ Work through prompts to help you be honest with yourself about where you are as a leader and what you need to overcome to boost your confidence once and create the business and life you want and desire.
✔️ Apply tools to help you become a better decision maker to enhance your leadership game.
✔️ Gain the clarity you need to finally start taking action to become the leader you want to be for yourself.
Jessica Rivera is your coach who will guide you through the 5 modules plus 15 lessons of content.
Her approach is different from simply reading countless leadership and personal development books and applying random strategies.
Her methodology involves helping you uncover why you aren't taking the action you want to take in your life to become the leader you desire to be for yourself and others! She helps you identify your strengths, and apply the strategies to better manage your time, energy, people, get the team you want and/or make more profit in your business, most importantly you will improve your network and relationships.
✔️ Module 1 - Identifying why your beliefs are not working for you. Release the insecurities and fear!
✔️ Module 2 - Enhance your Confidence by being honest with yourself and where you need to boost your self confidence.
✔️Module 3 - Release the indecisiveness by identifying what is standing in your way of your success.
✔️ Module 4 - We will let go of the negative self-talk by identifying where this started and how to minimize it.
✔️ Module 5 - Become a better leader to yourself so that you can better lead others.
✔️ EASY-TO-DIGEST CONTENT: 5 modules of pre-recorded content and homework designed intentionally to provide you with the quick wins you need to gain early momentum to uplevel your leadership. You will be accessing all content through MemberVault and have access for 6 months.
✔️RESOURCES: Each module has its own workbook and resources. In addition to that, you’ll have access to a module called ‘ASK JESSICA’, a special library of Q&A videos.
✔️ 30 days of One-to-One Coaching: You will get 30 days of one-to-one coaching via telegram
✔️ BONUS: If you join the Impact Leadership, you will get a $250 credit toward the program
'This Module made me realize how much lack of communication has a negative effect on my confidence. Incidents from the past came up for me where I was making up stories of why someone didn't share or communicate with me and that brought down my confidence. This made me more aware of how I can continue to work on my communication style and be more aware of others communication style and how I can improve to me more approachable.'
'My biggest takeaway from this video was to understand why confidence was very important in our life. Now I know that confidence helps us to be ready to life experiences. When we’re confident we're more likely to move forward with people and opportunities not back away from them.'
'I have recognized my limiting beliefs and I am working on it. I am working on my confidence and trying to get involved in more things. I am writing my thoughts down and then going to execute.'
The Impact Leadership is a 6-month program for Executives and Business owners. Jessica created the Impact Leadership to help leaders master the mindset, communication, strategy, and skills to make the Massive Impact they desire on their business, career and on others.
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